Why we must fight: November, 1970

Why we must fight

On 11th November, 1970 a paper was submitted to the Annals of the Scottish Space Programme which was duly published in its December, 1970 issue. This article announced the formation of the Scottish Interplanetary Society:

The programme is dying: we believe that it is essential that its memory should be kept alive, its research results and technologies preserved. Unfortunately there are now many who wish them to be obliterated. We have therefore formed an organisation, the Scottish Interplanetary Society, and invite those interested – whether or not they work on the programme directly – to join us in this fight.

This paper has been re-typeset using modern technology and is reproduced in the PDF link below.

The paper

Why we must fight (PDF link).


This document predated the formation of the society, and all its authors are now dead. It is presented here for historical interest.